Saturday, January 22, 2011

First print/best Saturday night everrrr

I'm staying home on a Saturday night because my really awesome job requires me to. This weekend I have the privilege of spending all day Saturday AND Sunday training people. Without getting paid. Despite the fact that I paid someone ($500!) to train me last year. Oh, did I mention that my trainees are getting paid $15 an hour? did it work out like that?! Not cool.

Anyway, I'm making the best of it and catching up on school stuff. School stuff that I would've had time to do on Sunday if I weren't training people for free. But I digress... Developing and printing film is quite a bit more difficult than expected. I have made many a mistake. But mistakes are how you learn. My first print follows. It is not perfect by any means; it is unfocused, grainy, and the borders are uneven. However, because it is my first print, I love it wholeheartedly. Please excuse the glare, I took a picture of the print on my phone and the light did something wonky.

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